Data sgp is an educational measurement designed to track student achievement progress over time using longitudinal test score data. It can be used to inform instruction, assess student/teacher performance and support educator evaluation systems. SGP provides more detailed growth information than traditional metrics such as mean, median and mode scores.
The sgpData spreadsheet is a convenient and straightforward way for educators to use SGP data to inform instructional decisions and evaluate school/district performance. The spreadsheet allows users to select individual students and compare their performance with the performance of other selected students (across schools, districts, grades, subjects and gender). In addition, it includes additional information about a student, such as their socioeconomic status, that is not available in the summary report.
Educators can access the sgpData spreadsheet by selecting a student in an SGP report and choosing the “SGP Data” tab. The first column, ID, provides the unique identifier for the selected student. The next five columns, SS_2013, SS_2014, SS_2015, SS_2016 and SS_2017 provide the assessment score for the student in each of the last 5 years of testing. In the event that a student does not have five years of test data, the missing value is displayed as NA.
It is important to note that while the sgpData spreadsheet provides users with an easy and convenient means of analyzing SGP data, many higher level analyses are designed for use with the long format (see the SGP data analysis vignette for more comprehensive documentation). In general, it is recommended that you utilize the LONG format for all operational analyses as it has numerous preparation and storage advantages over WIDE formatted data.
A student’s SGP report indicates whether their performance on the Badger Exam is better than, similar to or about as expected given their previous academic history. For example, if a sixth grader’s SGP score is 75, this indicates that the student has demonstrated more growth than about 75% of their academic peers.
The SGP data is based on historical test scores, and so it is not possible to determine the actual performance of students during the 2014-15 school year. This is why SGPs only include growth for the Badger Exam and its predecessor, the Forward Exam.